Monday, May 08, 2006


Saturday - Did the warp speed time trial with blair out in abbotsford (20k) followed by a 30 min brick run. The TT went well. Cross wind was more of a head wind on the way out and then a bit of a tail on the way back. Finished in 28:07, good enough for second in cat 5. The winner was about 25:30 or so which wow is impressive. THough i would like to see how much faster i would be with everything totally aero. I mean with my setup the way it is now, i doubt my aero position is close to ideal

In the evening helped out at the Coquitlum Gala for the Allards, go to valet some pretty nice cars and enjoy a very nice dinner to boot, although was up quite late....

Sunday - Raced the Hatzic cat 4/5 course in heavy, heavy rain. Did i mention heavy rain? Some sections were actually fairly nerve racking with the high speeds and so much water every where. THe course had a good descent and good climbs. Felt great on first four laps on the climbs, felt good so i tried to pushed the group to catch the breakaway about 1min ahead. We dropped people but couldn't catch the break away and as a result on the last climb to finish i was last out of the chase pack. Oh well, it is a great workout and showed strength in my cycling.

Came back home to dry the clothes and have a warm bath. Then went for an easy easy 1hr run down around bc place. Couldn't imagine how bad it would have been running the marathon. In fact, as crazy as this is I actually cheered an older lady on making the home stretch down pacific at around 630 that means she was on the course for over 10 hours!! THere was some story behind her, i know because i remember reading it a couple weeks ago.

Watched zoolander and hit the sack

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